XLCR: Tech Demo
A downloadable game for Windows
XLCR: THE name in Clean Space!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/xlcrgame/
Discord: https://discord.gg/qqJ3RuQvWg
The Part You Should Read: Right now, the game includes nothing but a minor tutorial, and a small play area to get used to the mechanics. You can skip the tutorial in Settings, but the controls might be hard to understand. PLEASE check the settings! Some content is disabled by default. Working content includes 4 reproducing creatures, 2 outfits, stomach/breast expansion, and ~12 individual sizes for each. You can disable/enable either of the two, with more in-depth settings inside.
Background: You play as Mel, working under XLCR as a xeno-sanitation worker. You're the person sent to clean up all the weird, goopy messes interstellar travel tends to accumulate- and all the creatures that just-so-happen to get loose on contaminated ships. How do these creatures keep getting loose? Why are they flinging themselves at you? Why don't you have a hazmat suit? Why are you asking so many questions- there's work to be done!
Future Plans: I'm not planning to stop any time soon, and I have lots of ambitions for potential mechanics! Aside from fixing any unforeseen hard-crash bugs, my next goal is refactoring a lot of old, inefficient code to something more dynamic. This means it'll be a while before the next content update- I'll have to see what content I'll pack on, first.
Also thank https://www.furaffinity.net/user/jeschke/ for putting out free sound assets.
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Medium Update: Liquids!14 days ago
- Minor Update: Plugs and IND93 days ago
- Patch #2Sep 10, 2024
- First Patch- Reactor Meltdown!Aug 29, 2024
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there's no digestion in the game?
Not at the moment. Not planning to add it any time soon, but maybe in a later update.
Nice Project!
I will follow this project with interes
and also,the swfmel suit changes nothing.
It makes it so no expansion stuff
i still cant scroll down on the settings,can you just add a button for scrolling it?
I suspect you have a strange mouse- and the README specifies you can use W/S to scroll. The sfwmel outfit is the Hoodie outfit, but with no size changes.
interacting with reactors crashes my game so i cannot even get to far. But otherwise the game is GREAT i am very very excited for more content to be added
Try redownloading the game! That was a bug that snuck in when I wasn't looking- it should already be patched.
What are your future plans for this and just how far are you going to take it? will you keep it simple or will you add things like slowing down the more there are inside her maybe falling on her back immobilization when she has to many inside her or being unable to keep them in when they duplicate to much for her to handle? maybe even go so far as to have a game over state when she's unable to get back up because there are to many around her or even a much darker game over state where she just die's as her body can't handle the sheer numbers?
No game overs, no bad ends, NO death. Slowdown is easy to add, but I'm not adding it yet. I'm keeping future plans close to my chest- but the next update will likely be a new mechanic, but that'll be a while from now.
make it so that you can reproduce the worms inside you pls, als bigger proportions and more skins.
Enjoying the premise so far. Any criticisms I have are covered in other comments already so I won't bother with them here. Though I personally don't really mind the reactor minigame and find it requires just enough finesse to be quite fun actually. Beyond that, I absolutely would love to see perhaps fewer worms, but perhaps more expressive animations as they wriggle their way in and out, and each contributes more to belly/breast size. Also, love the all the way through option, by personal preference, but you may need to offer a way to plug one's mouth automatically, or make it harder for worms to force their way out of it to counteract the nature of it.
In short, you have the potential for a really hot game here, and I can't wait to see how it pans out. ^_^
The reactor game is currently patched to be easier than before- as long as you're not on the Surgery setting. Worm entry/exit animations are planned, but extra work- may take a bit for that to show up, but it's been requested.
Eventually, I'd like to add items & choices for actively keeping 'friends' in hands-free, like one-way/normal plugs- I have a plan for how to set that up, but it won't be until there's more 'friend' variety.
This has potential, but the fact that the creatures go in-and out at the speed of *light* is very annoying. Trying to ''plug'' holes works very little, when trying to move them from one room to another.
Interesting game, but the way they try invade her seems a bit instant and too quick happening sometimes.
I liked the game and hope more of this gets developed with more interesting stuff and fillings to happen.
thats very interesting
i really like it
I dont know if its intentional, im kinda having an issue with speed of the game (feels like 1000x walk speed). and there are no end walls so baisicly im flyin off the map. Any kind of help or fixing hint?
This is a refresh rate issue- the game currently runs on frames, not ticks. If possible, try setting your monitor to 60hz- I'm working on translating the code over to ticks, since the coded 60fps-lock doesn't seem to work.
it is on 60fps , im kinda suffering from success. but i have alternative just spawning a lot of worms helps to fix the isue.
Is there a possibility of having even more and bigger belly sizes in the future?
Bigger sizes and more stages in between are planned, but are not next in line on the development chain. Right now I'm looking to make sure the game doesn't slow down with lots of 'friends' active, maybe translating to tick-based calculation instead of per-frame calculation, and thinking about what gameplay content to add in next. (It might be something... sloshy. No promises.)
Also,could you please add an bikini costume for her?
thats the type of game i was looking for anyways.
I would like to give this demo a fair shot. I tried multiple times at the reactor, but it's such a pain that after 15 minutes of trying to balance it out past phase 1 I gave up.
The reactor will be tweaked in the next patch. It's only taking so long because I've let myself get caught in the middle of rewriting a lot of code! That, and working full-time.
how do i change her clothes anyway?im not being able to scroll down on the settings.
The Settings menu should be running off of normal mouse-wheel scroll inputs- if/once you can scroll down, it's just clicking the option, and selecting one of the options available. I'll add functionality to scroll with W and S, but that'll show up in the next patch.
I find if you click off the tab and click back on the game stops receiving input.
the reactor is so hard (I think I might just be dumb lol)
But overall love the screenshots and size! The parasite thing isn't really for me but add some gurgles and I'm just starting at a bloated round belly which I can't say no to!
Yeah like where it's going but after a few updates I'll check in again!
Strange, I'm not seeing the same tab-out/tab-in issue you're having.
The reactor is definitely going to be tweaked in the next patch.
Not sure if you've already looked in Settings, but there's already gurgles packed in! They're turned off by default (so as to not offend any sensibilities), and I didn't mention it explicitly in the tutorial- I tried to make a lot of things more customizable.
Что сделать, чтобы черви не выпадали?
Ты нажимаешь: рот, грудь, и т. д. как это

И, тут: можно, не можно.
Looks like creatures can escape the level sometimes lol
They also have the uncanny ability to fly through doors- I blame their small size + Unity's physics. Might try and fix at some other point, with fatter door->'friend' and bounding hitboxes.
I think there should be a vent added for them to fall down, and if they leave this map they should teleport to another location, otherwise there will be a unit pile up.
Looking forward to one-handed controls :)
Overall I love the premise. Parasites and the like are my jam.
That said, the game is pretty clunky. The reactor is definitely the biggest pain point right now. I don't believe it's mentioned, but having coolant higher than fuel means you dont get power in the first phase.
Switching between fuel and cycle in phase two is also a pain. I think with some adjustments to simply make it easier overall would be good. It could be an alright mini-game, but it's unclear and annoying right now, especially if you have to do it multiple times.
The left/right hand is clunky as well. Though it's not /too/ bad once you get used to it. It also has the unfortunate side-effect on requiring two hands to play the game.
Other than that, I'd like to see more clarity with enemies infesting you, and probably less enemies overall.
For example. a worm jumps on you, latches on to the body part, a second later, is half-inside, then fully inside. Giving players time to pull it out or what not.
Definitely want to see internal-view as well. as that's half the fun.
Also I feel like currently, the time spent inside the player is too short. It's basically popcorn.
Ideally, I think you'd want a slower approach, a handful of parasites slowly building up inside the player and increasing body-part proportions.
The reactor is currently a weak part, yes- the tutorial used to mention that about the coolant, but I scrubbed it when making it much less verbose. (Removed it in current progress.) The reactor is definitely going to be tweaked.
For the left/right hand, I'd like to eventually enable mouse-only controls, but that's lower priority over content and fixes. It does take some getting used to- I might add left/right indicators, later on, to help track what's where.
I am planning to make the entry/exit much more detailed, with middling frames before it's inside- this just requires a lot more art to accomplish. Internal view is a good idea, but hard to implement- I'll think about that one. A lot of enemies is partly the focus, at least for now- but I'm planning to diversify once I have more groundwork laid out, so there's room for different tastes.
As for the worms acting like 'popcorn', are you holding them in? They can be kept around by blocking their exit- best done by only enabling Chest + Crotch, and clicking said bodyparts. (Which, of course, should probably be explained before the dreaded reactor, instead of after.) Other than that, the current implementation is easy to change- it'll probably be tweaked as time goes on.
it appears that the game running like crazy when refresh rate is higher than 60 (my monitor is 360hz and game is like 6 times faster). I fixed this by changing my refresh rate to 60
Correct- for right now, a lot of game functions are tied to framerate, just to make coding easier (Though I thought I set that to 60 in the code...). Might fix in a later update, but I'll have to see how much work it'll take.
This game is way too complicated. I've been stuck in the reactor for hours.
i mean it challenging and hard but was it impossible?
i will be easy once you get a hang of i
yea i dunno, i tried like at least 15 times and failed in phase 2. I gave up cuz i dont feel like wasting my time
so you retry now what all you need to know is to focus on cycle and fue
The reactor has quite a few rules to teach in a short amount of time- it's definitely the weakest part of the tutorial. Basically, CYCLE multiplies the FUEL value, so it's easier if you start with CYCLE very close to zero, and work from there. Same for the second step- setting FUEL close to zero, and then ramping up CYCLE. I might end up including a recording of the 'quick method' of starting the reactor in the files.
You also have the option to enable Skip Tutorial in Settings- after the reactor, you're just taught to switch the orange "black-boxes" between their holders, and that clicking the character's 'entrances' allows you to block entry & exit of 'passengers'.